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Natural Selection

solo exhibition

16 Oct 2020 - 02 Nov 2020


In Natural Selection, environment is the driving energy for species to evolve through time. Natural Selection is the cause of both minor changes as well as more drastic deviations. In Natural Selection the accumulation of small changes can shape new synthesis and create new species.

For Mahboubeh Hosseini Mosa, Natural Selection is a subjective process that begins with deliberation and collection of plants and flowers, and categorizing and drawing on paper. The form of seeds and structure of leaves, relay data and shape emotions in the mind of artist and only the imagery that is different remains in her mind. Infact environment and intellect of artist are the driving force for the image and emotions to remain with her. In compatibility with artists’ mind and emotions, forms and lines become a part of her. The point of origin, or the primary seed, is triggered with act of viewing and the enthusiasm and point of view of artist leads to growth which is completed through time, eventually to embody her dreams and imagination.

Ultimately in an abstract and geometrical approach, the positive and negative spaces, rhythmically and released from confines of enclosed spaces, shape a vague and poetic conversation, that is rooted in the beginning of everything and offers a reading of artists’ mind; a display of desires, dreams and ambitions of artist that are entwined with the taste of soil and artists’ soul. Given time, in this accumulation of data and imagination, a new species can take shape, a mixture that through length of time turns the image of a plant to an art work.


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2020 | Mahboube Hosseini mosa
2020 | Mahboube Hosseini mosa


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