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The cycle of desensitisation

Painting, solo exhibition

13 Nov 2020 - 24 Nov 2020


The cycle of desensitisation:
The tradition of landscape was perfected by German Romantics. For them, nature, in all its glory and majesty, was an allegory of an inviolable firmness that had to be seen, discovered, perceived and known. In our day, however, the endless onslaught of events is unlikely to provide much opportunity to understand the firm impeccability of the landscape; scenes that, according to Caspar David Friedrich, are manifestations of ourselves. So begins a tireless effort, an effort that is constantly repeated in endless cycles; an attempt to discover, understand and explain anything that denies the tranquility of nature; from war to death, to everyday life or even fear. An effort that is made possible by pasting picture perfect photographs, tearing canvases, and the like.


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Leila Ghandchi
Leila Ghandchi
Leila Ghandchi


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