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A Room Facing the Hall

solo exhibition

20 Nov 2020 - 18 Dec 2020
This exhibition has been extended.


A Room Facing the Hall


The world of persian painting utilizes a variety of implements to elude materialism. Each of these implements negates a part of the material bond of 'things' with the world. Instead of creating a world for individuals and things, the painter uses these methods to construct a system of concepts and images.


The present collection is the result of examining this system of thought in the bond between things and their surroundings.


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2020 | Abolfazl Harouni
2020 | Abolfazl Harouni
2020 | Abolfazl Harouni
2020 | Abolfazl Harouni
2020 | Abolfazl Harouni
2020 | Abolfazl Harouni
2020 | Abolfazl Harouni
2020 | Abolfazl Harouni
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