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19+1- They Way We Are Completion of A Trilogy

solo exhibition

11 Dec 2020 - 28 Dec 2020


19+1  The Way We Are

In this particular time of scarcities and avalanche of events and at a time of numerous domestic and foreign struggles; sanctions, inflation, recession, environmental issues and lastly Covid 19, finally this series of works has come to its end. In each corner of it, the contradictions of our daily life can be seen. Ultimately in a game of hide and seek next to challenges of production and implementation, and despite all difficulties, it was  done.

There are still those invisible threads that sustain the state of suspension and more than before they picture the stress and apprehensions of the moment right before the incident happens. As if we are at the last minute. The minute where everything from


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Fatemeh Bahman siahmard


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