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Inadequate Narrative

solo exhibition

19 Feb 2021 - 12 Mar 2021



Inadequate Narration

In this series, the narrative in the paintings is entangled with time and space. Referring to the narrative paintings throughout art history, I seek to challenge the narrative role in my works. Here, by bringing the paintings out of the canvas and expanding them into space, the logic of linear narrative collapses. Just as the narrative sequence gets disturbed in the stream of consciousness, the temporal and spatial logic is lost in my paintings. In the space created for the audience, I try to encourage them to wander around the works—an invitation to a playful and incomplete reading through an exploration that requires repeated effort. It is impossible to reach a correct reading of the narrative here because the narration has been inadequate from the beginning.

Niloufar Fallahfar
February 19 – March 12


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