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Inlighten abstraction

Painting, solo exhibition

05 Mar 2021 - 04 Apr 2021


My works are reflections of the natural memories of my land. Creating ambient exponential depth is one of the main features of these works. While painting I think about this and hope that for the viewer as well as myself, be pleased with the combination of signs like The Light, Sky, Soil, Rock, Water, Trees and some times men that they are present in my works. Work process start in the form of farther backgrounds and spaces and reach the upper layers and closer spaces. Acrylic paint due to early drying, can not combine as like as oil colored. That's why several time, I put the transparent and thin layers together, to reach the desired result in terms of dark and light colors.
Ali Khoubyar


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Ali Khoubyar
Ali Khoubyar
Ali Khoubyar
Ali Khoubyar
Ali Khoubyar


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