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solo exhibition

11 Jun 2021 - 25 Jun 2021



+2 is pleased to present a selection of works by Mehran Mohajer titled “Scaffolding”. The exhibition will open onFriday, 11 June, 2021, and will be on display for public viewing until June 25. This exhibition includes a selection ofphotographs from the eponymous book published in 2020 by Nazar Publications.The photographs featured in “Scaffolding”, as the artist states, “refuse to fit into any one definite series.”According to the artist, these photographs share an inherent “in-betweenness” which escapes the limitations ofcategorization and the domains of the photo frame. The current selection along with the rest of the photographspublished in the book “Scaffolding” have been taken during the past 10 years of the artist’s career.Mehran Mohajer (b. 1964, Tehran, Iran) is one of the most prominent Iranian photographers of his generation. Hisinfluence has been broad both among his contemporaries and later generations due to his unique style and hiswork as a leading instructor. Coming from a background in linguistics, Mohajer’s works have been often dealingwith the very concept of expression, the extremes of implication and the language of photography. His works havebeen featured in over 10 solo exhibitions and many group shows around the world.


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