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Sketch, solo exhibition

25 Jun 2021 - 16 Jul 2021
This exhibition has been extended.


Hossein Maher's first drawing exhibition is entitled 'Whom' - a series of portraits of different individuals in private and public spaces which he had started years ago but focused more specifically on since 2019. The initial idea for these works came to life from a monoprint he had created, with the distinctive technique he uses having been gradually developed.

Hossein Maher was born in the city of Abadan in 1957 and holds a Bachelor's degree in Painting from Tehran's University of Art. He began his professional activities in 1979 following graduation from university.

Mr. Maher has had 26 solo exhibitions and participated in more than thirty group exhibitions inside the country and abroad. His other activities include teaching, publishing, and participation in various biennials.

"Whom" is his 27th solo exhibition and first individual collaboration with INJA Gallery.

Consisting of 21 drawings and two sculptures, this series will be on display at INJA Gallery until July 9, 2021.


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2001 | Hossein Maher
2001 | Hossein Maher
2018 | Hossein Maher
2021 | Hossein Maher
2021 | Hossein Maher
2020 | Hossein Maher
2020 | Hossein Maher
2020 | Hossein Maher
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