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Curated by: Mahour Toosi

group exhibition

06 Aug 2021 - 27 Aug 2021
This exhibition has been extended.


What is gathered in this exhibition are sub-narratives that are identified by the narrator as the point of reference and source of its validation. The memory of objects has changed so much that by looking at them point of origin cannot be fully recognized, what seems obvious is questioned by the shifting of the point of view, and what is considered convincing is viewed with skepticism. These recycled works are born out of accidents and incident and through act of recovery and by overcoming the turmoil, are reborn. Facing the question of "Remember R", these works are reminder of: What should I remember? How do I remember? By clinging to the lost past and drowning in nostalgia? Or are we to be accused of not having a historical memory?

Mahoor Toosi



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