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Sensing Nature

group exhibition

09 Sep 2021 - 09 Jan 2022


For its 17th edition, titled Sensing Nature (Quand la nature ressent in French), MOMENTA Biennale de l’image humbly invites us to consider environmental justice and its intersections with social justice as a matter of sensing and feeling as much as of analysis and grassroots activism. Although science is urgently needed— not least to tackle the climate emergency—our planetary assembly of multiplicities also craves forms of knowing, feeling, and doing that create different arrangements of coexistence. A longing for togetherness—for love—echoes insistently in the exhibitions, inviting us to fathom other possible forms of worldmaking. The artists and authors invite us to forge intimate kinships with nonhuman life-worlds. They propose that we listen to—and observe, smell, touch, speak to—the land, the water, the air not with the aim of distantly understanding, grasping, or exploiting, but to resonate, to vibrate, to be together. Or, perhaps, with no aim at all. Their works and their writing make room for stories that dwell in the blurred boundaries between technology and ancestral wisdoms, weaving in both human and nonhuman modes of knowing. They celebrate that we are in relation with nature, that we are of nature.



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