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The Infinite Continuum

Painting, solo exhibition

08 Oct 2021 - 12 Nov 2021


Parallel Circuit presents the latest collection of works bu Yousho Bashir entitled 'The Infinite Continuum*. The show opens on October 8 ond will continue until november 12, 202l.      In his sith solo show at Parallel Circuit, Yousha Bashir will exhibit three sets of his paintings with Acryle technique that he has worked on over the past few years. In 'The Infinite Continuum Yousha Bashir seeks to create abstract views using digital technologies, through which he studies the possibilities of space ond depth. The show consists of three smaller collections: 'The Breakdown Of Confined Space, Dividing The Divided and 'The Second Spoce/The Third Space". Each of these collections makes on independent yet dependent presence with the other collections. 'The Breakdown Of Confined Space. Dividing the Divided and The  searches For the range of the painting convas in a pikelated scene, and in 'Dividing The Divided the artist studies the access of digital platforms to expand two-dimensional forms into three dimensions in spoce, to create depth. "The Second Space/The Third Space eventually becomes a gateway for him to define the three spaces: The first Spoce-View (the artist's encounter with the outside world), The Second Spoce-Painting (the artist's representation of the world on canvas in the studio], The Third Space-Confrontation (The Moment that audience faces the work elsewhere). In these collections, possibilities of expanding the work and breaking the space between the digital space and the real space are being tested in different wous; this bock and forth between each of these spaces provides the access to make a motivation for processing these obstroct views. The artist tries to create a mixed experience by using concepts such as depth, space, break, and manipulation of Froming. For example, In 'The Second Spoce/The Third Spaces the audience is confronted with paintings that represent the past and the future in a shared convos. An experience that frees the painted landscape from the temporal dimension and gives identity to the path of creating pointings in these sets. Yousha Bashir (born in 1989, Manila, Philippines) is a multidisciplinary artist living in Tehran. He has a degree in Computer Graphics Design and a BA in visual arts from the University of farhangian in Tehran. His work ranges from painting to sculpture to instollation. Concepts such as construction/destruction, duality, and suspension are key elements that shape his works. One of his main preoccupations is Self and the definition of Self in an attempt to find the boundary between the outer/inner spoce. Therefore, the subject of his works is often the figures and abstract views of a utopion/dustopian city. Yousha's recent collection continues to explore his abstract vision. He discovers the relationship between digital and physical realm in painting . These painting play with the idea of incorrect tronslation/production of a digital image to physical painting and the limitations and opportunities that each individual platform provides.


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2020 | Yoosha Bashir
2019 | Yoosha Bashir
2020 | Yoosha Bashir
2019 | Yoosha Bashir
2019 | Yoosha Bashir
2021 | Yoosha Bashir
2021 | Yoosha Bashir
2021 | Yoosha Bashir
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