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Episode 08

group exhibition

15 Oct 2021 - 31 Oct 2021


Episode is a series of group shows, held twice a year at Mohsen Galley. With no overarching concept or theme, these exhibitions seek to provide young, talented, up-and-coming artists with a context to connect with audiences, students, curators, and collectors.

“Episode 08” represents a diverse range of approaches and technical tendencies in painting and drawing in the works of a young generation of Iranian artists, while it is also the result of their personal and generational concerns. Encountering the works of these artists, we sometimes observe colorful fantasies that ironically reflect their anxieties, and sometimes we curiously want to explore and extract our own narrative through the collage of their nightmarish sub-narratives: a world both real and surreal, in which forms and shapes are borrowed, bodies are disintegrated, and landscapes are caught on the border of the real and the surreal. With all the distress and bewilderments of its artists, “Episode 08” seems to bring the news of an inevitable, imminent apocalypse.


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2021 | Mahsa Mana
2021 | Mahsa Mana
2021 | Nazanin Gharanjik
2021 | Nazanin Gharanjik
2020 | Nazanin Gharanjik
2019 | Nazanin Gharanjik
2021 | Nazanin Gharanjik
2020 | Nazanin Gharanjik
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