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Daddy Tissue

solo exhibition

29 Jan 2022 - 06 Mar 2022


Daddy Tissue, Mamali Shafahi's first solo exhibition at Everyday Gallery, is the latest part of the ‘Daddy Sperm’ project that the artist started in 2012. Fascinated by the transformation he calls "the miracle of life", he explores the force of life and creation as it circulates between humans and from generation to generation. In this series, he investigates the mutations of identities and agencies -- mutations that simultaneously delineate and are delineated by social constructs. For him, the transformation of one drop of liquid into a creative subjectivity in a human body is a fair formulation of this miracle of life.

In his large-scale installation "Daddy Sperm" at the Palais de Tokyo he opened the space, filled with installation pieces, sculptures and furniture he had designed and produced. In his latest treatment of the theme, he is looking back at his own "classical" inheritance through the intergenerational buffer he has created, by making new works based on his father Reza’s drawings. The exhibition is dedicated to Reza’s free-spirited and audacious imagery, in the form of three-dimensional representations of drawings flocked in brightly-colored monochrome. By committing to an external agency with whom he shares a presupposed and structured kinship, Shafahi brings about a decentralized eventuality.


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2021 | Mamali Shafahi
2021 | Mamali Shafahi
2021 | Mamali Shafahi
2021 | Mamali Shafahi


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