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Unstable Conditions

solo exhibition

05 Apr 2022 - 18 Apr 2022


Roya Khadjavi Projects and Massoud Nader are delighted to present “Unstable Conditions”, a solo exhibition by Iranian-born artist Zeynab Movahed. Delicately layered with a clever combination of reflections and shadows, highlights and dark spots, this body of works is made of intertwined and sometimes broken shapes, a parallel to the actual world of the artist herself and women like her. According to the artist, it depicts “an unstable visual world in which everything is restless and continuously changing”. The mercurial aspect of life in Iran with its “continuous uncertainties is the essence of our major instability, and the core of our existence” says Movahed. “Live. Exist or be Absent”.


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Zeynab Movahed
Zeynab Movahed
Zeynab Movahed
Zeynab Movahed
Zeynab Movahed
Zeynab Movahed


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