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Outside of Time

solo exhibition

20 May 2022 - 03 Jun 2022


In these otherworldly landscapes the horizon merges with magical fauna and flora, and because of their large scale, viewer is invited to submerge in the dreamy world of Mahya Giv. In her slices of time eternal, one is able to break away and experience a different place and timelessness, protected from ravages of humanity.

Her painterly act is expressive yet well thought of and balanced, and showcase a communion with subject matter. The horizon and the promise of light at the far end of canvases, are enthralling, and allow the viewer to move away from harsh realities of everyday life in a mega polis like Tehran. Her brush strokes jostle and smother one another, and accumulate and climb on top of each other, creating a final drama that is mesmerizing and wistful, an illusion to carry us in to the unspoiled and the eternal. At the same time there is yearning and lamentation for what we can not have. But in  these parcels of Heaven, one can dream and breathe.


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