; ; ; ;


solo exhibition

27 May 2022 - 21 Jun 2022


I believe that the human mind is a private space, where no one is allowed to enter; this is precisely where the differences between humans stem from. My mind has got various layers of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions which I am afraid to express; therefore, I resort to silence! A place for my “self.” This is so close that I sometimes miss the boundary between my mental world and reality; I miss the boundary between my world and that of others.


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Atoosa Al Bouyeh
Atoosa Al Bouyeh
Atoosa Al Bouyeh
Atoosa Al Bouyeh
Atoosa Al Bouyeh
Atoosa Al Bouyeh
Atoosa Al Bouyeh
Atoosa Al Bouyeh
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