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The Hammer of Witches

Photography, solo exhibition

27 May 2022 - 07 Jun 2022


In continuation to his previous collection, in the collection on display, Sina Boroumandi has used two different photographic methods to capture the ordinary urban landscapes in contemporary Iran. In the indirect method, he uses a manipulated camera to capture images on a sensitive photographic surface, with long exposures, which is in contrast to the instantaneous and often random shots captured by the direct method. By combining these two contrasting image forms, the artist tries to provide a personal understanding of different forms of thought and ideology in modern Iranian life through considering different manifestations of ideology in specific historical periods; with the question in mind of what would photography capture if it were invented in the late Middle Ages?


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2022 | Sina Boromandi
2022 | Sina Boromandi
2022 | Sina Boromandi
2022 | Sina Boromandi
2022 | Sina Boromandi
2022 | Sina Boromandi
2022 | Sina Boromandi
2022 | Sina Boromandi
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