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Human Natures

solo exhibition

14 May 2022 - 21 Aug 2022


Human Natures is the culmination of a decade’s worth of acquiring artworks for MOAH's permanent collection for public benefit. The artists of Human Natures represent the diversity of the Antelope Valley and a range of identities and perspectives. The various works throughout Human Natures reflect the dichotomy between humanity and the natural world. The human desire to differentiate oneself from nature is juxtaposed with the necessary and inevitable need to remain connected to the natural world. Viewers will find a multitude of media including painting, photography, assemblage, and sculptural works. In addition to the overall collecting effort, the exhibition features installations from our annual juried show, a program dedicated to acquiring artworks from local artists. As an institution, providing space and representation for the Antelope Valley is driven by the public's desire to see themselves reflected in art, serving as a metaphorical looking glass into the community and, ultimately, the viewer.


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