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Star-less: Beyond the Screen

solo exhibition

15 Jul 2022 - 22 Aug 2022


Cinema is not alive only because of its stars. Cinema is not just that colorful image that comes to life on the screen. The Star-less series documents unseen moments behind the scenes regardless of any immediate and direct limitations and requirements of still photography; the story of the people who have marginal roles. These photos depict a purgatory that formed between the film stage and the cinema screen; a moment that history does not remember.


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Maryam Takhtkeshian
Maryam Takhtkeshian
Maryam Takhtkeshian
Maryam Takhtkeshian
Maryam Takhtkeshian
Maryam Takhtkeshian
Maryam Takhtkeshian
Maryam Takhtkeshian
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