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Against oblivion

solo exhibition

24 Feb 2023 - 24 Feb 2023


Against Oblivion



In Persian, the root of the word human (ensān), is the word oblivion (nesyān); apparently human beings are limited and forgetful creatures.


We have often thought about ways to be rid of our limitations in the face of what is unbearable. How can one resist oppression, sickness, mental and emotional deficiency, dishonor, and even physical death?


As Gilles Deleuze says, “Art is resistance: it resists death, slavery, infamy, shame.”


It is a firm stance against the catastrophic destruction of thought, against entertainment, against boredom, against the speeches and empty promises of politicians, against rumors spread by “Hedonist” people, and finally, against oblivion.


Amirali Navaee



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