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group exhibition

28 Apr 2023 - 23 May 2023


Who knows the pain of the blossoming flower bud?

Abbas Kiarostami



Since time immemorial, humankind has created art as a way to celebrate beauty and express the concept and meaning of individual and cultural identity and core values. This vital process is an evolutionary process of constant birthing. The artist continuously attempts to create and discover new ways of expressing feelings, views and ideas.

 Each work of art shows a spectrum of human emotions that can be studied and communicated to others. This experience helps the progression of humanity by raising awareness through feeling and understanding our boundless universe; by mastering the process of creation.



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2023 | Shiva Kakavandi
Shahram Karimi
Saed Nodehi
Ramtin Zad
Negar Ghiamat
Morteza Ahmadvand
Mina Mohseni
Mehrdad Pournazarali
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