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group exhibition

20 Oct 2023 - 03 Nov 2023


The initial formation of this exhibition was based on the idea of how one can perceive a situation from multiple perspectives. A situation that we call “GHIZH.” “GHIZH” is derived from the present participle of the verb “GHIZHIDAN,” meaning to burrow and drag oneself hard on the ground. In its nominal and colloquial sense, it refers to the long journey of a “hard” body in space. The “GHIZH” situation is a tough one; it’s a situation in which we find ourselves trapped, and we’ve struggled for years to break free. The “GHIZH” situation is a temporary situation that takes on a permanent form, engulfing us, stopping time, and each time something is gained, it discards many existences. The “GHIZH” situation is a contradictory one; contradictory perceptions, contradictory emotions, contradictory facts. The “GHIZH” situation is a state of confusion; decisions that are correct today may be perceived as wrong tomorrow. What is certain today is not even probable tomorrow. Uncertainty is a word that manifests itself every day in some aspect of life. In the GHIZH situation, life seems impossible, but the living have made it possible, as if they hold fire in the palms of their hands, they move forward and miraculously do not burn up.


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Faezeh Baharlo
Atieh Atarzadeh


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