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solo exhibition

24 Nov 2023 - 04 Dec 2023


The connection between humanity and existence holds such significance that perhaps it stands as one of humanity's most profound challenges, leading to the formulation of numerous theories in various realms such as literature, art, philosophy, and mysticism.

Is a human separate from the universe, or an integral part of it? Naturally, the physical body of a human will merge harmoniously with nature after death. Moreover, according to metaphysical science, the human psyche and its functioning during its lifetime are not separate from existence and nature; they profoundly influence each other. Since the universe acts as a mirror, the challenges humanity faces today are the result of its own actions.

In this collection, an attempt has been made to portray this continuity from another perspective. Perhaps, to attain a more beautiful world and a better life, we need a fresh perspective on the relationship between humanity and existence.



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2023 | Mahnaz vaziri
2023 | Mahnaz vaziri
2023 | Mahnaz vaziri
Mahnaz vaziri


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