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Dream of plain

solo exhibition

29 Dec 2023 - 12 Jan 2024


Dream or Plain

In the vast realm of my mind, I walk through the imagination, drawing near mountains reaching the sky and traversing rocky terrains. I step into a mysterious forest, finding myself suddenly on the tranquil and beautiful shore of a calm sea. I wish to capture these scenes, images of the nature that has taken shape in my mind. The beauty of nature and its mysteries always captivate me, and its disturbing destruction by humans affects me deeply. These unconscious accumulations are my artistic motifs, emerging from my mind and playing a significant role in the textural image and mutability of my work. I execute them without prior thought, engaging in a conversation between myself and the canvas. Certainly, my years of experience in architecture have a profound impact on my creations.

Sadaf Kobari
Dec 2023


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Sadaf Kobari
Sadaf Kobari
Sadaf Kobari
Sadaf Kobari


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