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A Look at Biomorphic

group exhibition

12 Jan 2024 - 26 Jan 2024


This is an indication of the artist’s original look and execution based on form in the present tense or inspired by the location of a place that is defined by definition.
Biomorphism is a style in sculpture design in which an object is shaped to represent an organic and living creation or nature. In fact, the following collection can be attributed to unusual volumes whose lines appear to be the artist’s mind and the textures used for the surface of sculptures do not necessarily resemble natural textures. But visually, the color, form and procedure of the works are inspired by nature or simulated directly from nature. The more we discover about the natural world, the more we realize its incredible complexity and potential to inspire design. Biomorphism is an aesthetic style that attempts to capture the beauty of nature, with rhythmic, decorative forms and intricate patterns.


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2022 | Amir Kamand
2012 | Nastaran Safaei
2018 | Kourosh Golanari
2016 | Amir Mobed
2023 | Rouzbeh Nematisharif
2023 | Mohsen Fouladpour
2015 | Amirhossein Radaei
2023 | Shailan Ashayeri
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