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Two Souls

solo exhibition

07 Jun 2024 - 21 Jun 2024



Sima Bagherzadeh started her journey from observation and representation and in her previous collection, she depicted houseplants with delicate details, plants that were sometimes hidden and revealed in a dramatic light and darknes.
Although she still has adapted previous plant forms in her recent collection called «TWO SOULS», this time, more than anything else, she is a narrator of the passage of time and erosion. In some works, thin layers of paper are placed on top of each other, and each design shows the underlying layer like a transparent soul, a process that emphasizes the passage of time on the one hand and confronts the audience with a kind of uncertainty on the other hand. The «TWO SOULS» collection borrows its name from a Kurdish word (DOGIAN)meaning two souls and two lives, a word that is related to the birth and growth of plants, but the plants here are an excuse to narrate our human situation facing the question of being or not. The ink leaks from the paper and moves and hides, and each work represents a moment right on the border of existence and non-existence .In this collection , the artist shows not the plants, but their decaying beauty and the memory of their greenness, a philosophical experience of being and then forgetfulness and fading away.
Avin Farhadi


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