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Div Afarid

solo exhibition

14 Jun 2024 - 28 Jun 2024


In the "Div Afarid" collection, an effort has been made to create demons and strange creatures that have entered modern art since ancient times and break all the boundaries and rules with the complete liberation of the artist's mind, as if The border between man and demon and animal, old and new, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, perfect and imperfect, hateful and lovely, high and low, has been trampled and because the nature of no human being is neither completely black nor completely white. , the essence of these concepts has been tried to be exhibited by pretending to be gray. We encounter new characters and new bodies in these works, which provide signs for different perceptions and imaginations of the audience's mind.


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2022 | Soroor Salehinejad
2023 | Soroor Salehinejad
2022 | Soroor Salehinejad


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