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solo exhibition

21 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024


This exhibition includes five series of paintings, each of which represents a unique path in recalling memories. "Plants," "Oriental Plants," "Echoes," "Self-Portraits," and "Precious" each explore traces of childhood memories and the domestic environment. Like revisiting memories, there is a continuity between these series that stems out from creating a disrupted trace of some moments and connecting loops. Some paintings are inspired by present moments and everything that was most visible in the light of the day, while others are created to remember moments that have been lost. The interweaving of the series is the result of different visits and revisits of many of the paintings. Together, they provide a perspective on remembering, recalling, and honoring moments, years, and memories.



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Nazanin Avani
Nazanin Avani
Nazanin Avani
Nazanin Avani
Nazanin Avani


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