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The Falling with the Color of Pomegranates

solo exhibition

26 Jul 2024 - 06 Aug 2024



"The Falling – with the Color of Pomegrantes" by Mohammadreza Khazaeli (b. 1989 Sari)

“Falling is merely a failed attempt to maintain an unstable state.
Every moment, every particle in this universe is constantly changing, becoming unfamiliar at each instance and revealing itself in a different form every time. Amid this vast and endless transformation, I seek an illusionary moment of familiarity, repetition and the continuity of yesterdays. I know well that what I seek I will not find.”
-Mohammadreza Khazaeli

The above quote from the artist might serve as a brief and close definition of the overall process behind the creation of the present collection titled "The Falling - with the Color of Pomegranates." The works in this collection revolve around concepts such as instability and uncertainty, as well as the artist’s lived experience. Generally, in these works, we witness an arrangement of objects in the act of falling, which, by passing a cylindrical axis through them, remain in a state of falling and motionless descent, forming a static composition.
This part of the "The Falling" collection is executed with color derived from the skin of the native wild sour pomegranate from the plain regions of Mazandaran (Sari, Goharbaran) and is in continuation of a written research titled "Study on the Impact of Geography and Ecosystem on the Creation of Art."


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