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The scent of the game of life

solo exhibition

16 Aug 2024 - 15 Sep 2024


Life can be compared to an amusement park, a vibrant tapestry woven with joyful, frightening, and sometimes perilous yet pleasurable experiences. In this grand game, we are like clowns, wearing different masks each day to hide our emotions, while our eyes betray the deeper truths within.

These experiences are both humorous and terrifying, each accompanied by unique scents-aromas that capture the entire spectrum of human feelings. "The Scent of the Game of Life" unfolds through unconventional patterns, inviting exploration and reflection.

Over the past decade, my artistic journey has led me to profound discoveries about life, my thoughts, and the landscape that surrounds me. I have shifted from depicting individuals caught between heaven and earth to seeking conciseness and stability in my work. Yet, this sense of stability remains fragile, constantly tested until the final act of life unfolds.


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2024 | Omid Masoumi
2024 | Omid Masoumi
2018 | Omid Masoumi
2024 | Omid Masoumi


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