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Rotisserie Chicken

solo exhibition

23 Aug 2024 - 09 Sep 2024


The artist painted this collection of oil and watercolor paintings, ranging from large to small in size, over the past two years. The paintings depict urban landscapes, particularly those of Tehran, as well as rural landscapes and personal moments. As with his first exhibition (Tehran Streets, 2019), he has painted oil landscapes en plein air. Continuing the narrative tone in his second exhibition (Not All Birds Fly, 2021), the arrangement of the paintings in this show tells the story of a young man searching for maturity and self-understanding as he navigates nature, the city, and his inner world. He empathizes with his subjects, from the white donkey to the rotisserie chickens. While the beetroot field offers him tranquility, the vibrant chaos of Vali Asr intersection invigorates him. Most paintings take place in the city because it is a central character in his journey. The city understands this young man but keeps rejecting him.


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2024 | Amin Moazami
2024 | Amin Moazami
2024 | Amin Moazami
2024 | Amin Moazami


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