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Someone's Stolen the Pillars of Democracy

solo exhibition

31 Jan 2025 - 18 Feb 2025


To this day, humankind continues to share daily experiences, much as it did in ages past-whether through news reports, personal narratives, or modern systems like television and social media. Yet, there is a profound difference in quality, Where once these accounts were etched into the very fabric of history through reliefs, carvings, and inscriptions on pillars and other enduring surfaces, today's media is fleeting, transient, and all too often consigned to oblivion with alarming haste.

This exhibition is presented in two distinct sections: 'Reliefs' and patterned 'Pillars'. The reliefs, Inspired by the quotidian rhythms of life, are an interplay of human forms and objects, imbued with a visual wit that amplifies their communicative potency. They invite viewers not only to engage with the narrative but also to explore the playful dialogue between form and meaning.

The second section, consists of a series of patterned pillars; sculptural interpretations that defy singular definition. These pillars, both literal and metaphorical, could be read as structural columns, lampposts, pipes, or even abstract symbols of societal foundations. Together, they challenge us to reflect on the fragility of our modern narratives and the impermanence of the platforms through which they are shared.


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2019 | Mostafa Choobtarash
2019 | Mostafa Choobtarash
2019 | Mostafa Choobtarash


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