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This House

Curated by: Behnam Kamrani

Sketch, Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Installation, Prints, Conceptual Art, Digital Art, group exhibition

16 Sep 2016 - 27 Sep 2016


This House
“This house where the lute strings constantly strum -
ask of its lord, what house is this?
If this is the house of the Kaaba
how can it be so full of icons?
If this house is a Magian fane
how can the light of God be shining here?”
Rumi (tr. Franklin D. Lewis)

“The house shelters daydreaming”
Gaston Bachelard

The house is one of the biggest powers that intermixes ideas, memories and dreams. The past,the present and the future coexist in a specific dynamic in the idea of the house. The house is a large cradle, and we owe it; it is an important place for our memories to reside. The rooms and the objects of the house refresh our sense of belonging and prevent our memories from being fogged up. Nevertheless, in darkness, the house can become a scene of crime, a place for death, or an abandoned space.
The work on display here show different aspects of the place of residence; aspects that use different media for presenting encounters with the idea of the house.
Behnam Kamrani


Opening: 16 September 2016
From 4 to 8 pm
This exhibition will be on view till 27 September 2016

Sundays to Wednesdays 12-20
Thursdays 14-18
Fridays 16-20
Saturdays Closed


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