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Photography, group exhibition

12 May 2017 - 26 May 2017


The photo group exhibition entitled "Accumulation" would be held at Silk Road Gallery - Park Lalehfrom the evening of Friday, 12th May.
Salome Souzanchi, Samira Davarfara, Sahar Mokhtari, Farzin Foroutan, and Armin Abdi are the artists.
"Accumulation" is the second group exhibition of this group. The first series of works named "Inhale" was based on the "random images" projects, and showed at Silk Road Art Gallery in 2016.

The original idea of this collection has been created by searching daily pictures, and accidentally selecting one of them as a source; A picture from thousands of images that we are faced in different media. The Media that show us a large variety of Pictures that, intentionally or incidentally are recorded in our visual memory and influence it. In the formation of works, a visual object has taken subjective dimension and, each of the artists begins to represent it based on a certain mindset and their lived experience after viewing the image, and at the final stage, they were confronted with the actual identity of the selected picture.

Opening: Friday, 12th May , at 16 to 21:30 pm.
The exhibition will run till May 25, from 16 to 20 pm.
The Gallery is closed on Saturdays.
Silk Road Gallery - Park Laleh: 4th floor, Techno Ajor apartment, No. 210, between Vesal Shirazi St. and 16th Azar St., Keshavarz Blvd, Tehran


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