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The Window

Painting, group exhibition

21 Dec 2018 - 26 Dec 2018


“The window“ presented here is a festival of art works that are narrating an inner world individually. The worlds full of childish footprint, soiree, blue dreams and so on.
Living in the world we are bound to living in is the result of such gatherings. These bird-and-tree companies, these woman-and wound co-narration.
We are about to clarify the sights of routine frustration, what tends to turn to and adopt repetition, what we look at but we don’t really see, what is homed under the rusty habits and for it there is no way out.
And the time we could open the windows, see the tree, the hands, the sky on our very own canvas and restate in our very own language, we get together and repaint the world in a new way, but through a “window”.


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