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Monochromic Background

solo exhibition

21 Dec 2018 - 26 Dec 2018


The monochromic background is to minimize the most to have the minimum available elements;
In other words, it is a destruction through extreme abstraction and the achievement of this definition, which is "making" means backgrounding. Abstraction here is a reduction to minimize the status which explains its foundation. Addressing the starting point of the line that has been traversed for the "path" and finally has been found at the same starting point, and its collapse is the consequence of insisting and repeating the path which is not returnable. A repetition that has removed and covered itself every time and kept away from that starting point.
Abstraction is the reduction of a structure to the columns mounted on it, regardless of the walls enclosed or the ceilings that cover it. An attempt to put the hands inside the body and make a direct connection with the pulses of the magnets inside it; hence, this abstraction covers itself more than presenting itself. This covering is to have an openness of what has been seen over and over again and this overseeing has made it invisible. Therefore, it is only by removing the exponential elements to attract the attentions of the observer again and shift the looks from the apparent glory to lines, points and columns. In other words, we have to find the result of the show in its ruins.

Hoseyn Hoseyni


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Davood Dorra
Davood Dorra
Davood Dorra
Davood Dorra
Davood Dorra
Davood Dorra
Davood Dorra
Davood Dorra


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