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Curated by: Akram Ahmadi tavana

Film/Video, Installation, solo exhibition

04 Jan 2019 - 11 Jan 2019


Each troubadour for each play, each actor for each performance, for each audience member for each and every time they face a repeated narrative will have a different sense of expression and varied comprehension. This installation of placing mass and video side-by-side creates a language to overcome a defined distance and create a new narrative from a classic text. This installation named Armor is from the collection Gordafarid coming out of a retelling of a four-mirrored suit of Armor which has not only been worn by a historic warrior but also implicitly worn and re-worn by the artist to defend life. References to scenes from the epic poem Shahnameh and in a way the emphasis of its re-application and the repeated use of the elements of ideas and recreation within an artist’s work.



No.7, Lolagar Alley, Neauphle-le-Château St


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