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Figure in the Shadows

Painting, group exhibition

25 Jan 2019 - 30 Jan 2019


Mrs. Masiha Mandegar writes about this exhibition: “The abstract flow of avant-garde paintings in the twentieth century has shaded the figurative works, but now in the twenty-first century, Figurative painting has returned to the modern arena.
Art is like an evolutionist man, and the artist is anxious to react to the world of excellence in change; the threat posed by the wisdom of human beings to the great artificial intelligence of the human being, replaces the same man, and makes it harder to watch the figurative conception of his species and habitat.
Before figurine and color and nature, with the program and algorithm on the digital canvas, and the effects of humans in the shadow, watch the images of two contemporary artists, Messiah Mandegar and Nooshin Mohagheghi.


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