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Ariana Gallery


Ariana gallery was founded in 2011, but after 6 years, it was renovated by new management team which has different missions & values.
Its principal focus is the representation of local & international artists whose diverse practices include painting, graphic, drawing, sculpture, video, photography, performance, installation, conceptual, video and digital art. The Ariana space consists of 6800 sqm garden, and a building which was built in 1963. Gallery hosts a collection of art, artisanal handicrafts, antiques and good coffee in our outdoor café. Gallery has 3 sections, the gallery itself which is dedicated to representing the artworks of Iranian expert artists and creators, the Hub which is designed for new generation artists and a gift shop.

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Exhibitions of Ariana Gallery

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Art Fairs participated Ariana Gallery

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Artworks of Ariana Gallery

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Alireza Jafari
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