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Mohsen Hedayati

Born in 1366, Tehran, Iran


Mohsen Hedayati (born September 4, 1987 in Tehran-Iran) is a poet, architect, graphic artist and Cubist painter. He is a Self-taught painter and has been working professionally since 2011.

Group Exhibitions

• 2015 _ Masoudiyah Mansion _ New feeling _ Tehran-Iran
• 2018 _ Sheys Gallery _ Hidden Sense _ Tehran-Iran
• 2018 _ Marki Sanat Galerisi _ Dreams & Reality _ Istanbul-Turkey
• 2019 _ Atashzad Gallery _ Sense and Mind Reflection _ Tehran-Iran
• 2019 _ Ideas Gallery _ Dynamic Colors 7 _ Tehran-Iran
• 2020 _ Entezami Gallery _ Untold Ideas _ Tehran-Iran
•2021 _ Biafarin _ Online art gallery _ Canada
•2021 _ Art Majeur _ Online art gallery _ France
• 2021 _ Saba Cultural and Artistic Institute_Entezami Gallery _ Peace and Friendship _ Tehran-Iran
• 2021 _ Entezami Gallery _ Contemporary Avant-Garde _ Tehran-Iran

Other Activities

• 2020 _ Cow Design _ Central Library _ Dnipro-Ukraine
•2021 _ Art Room Gallery _ Painting & Photography Art Exhibition
•2022 _ Art Rvolution Taipei _ International Artist Grand Prize

Auctions participated by Mohsen Hedayati

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Art Fairs participated by Mohsen Hedayati

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Artworks of Mohsen Hedayati

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