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Tarlan Lotfizadeh

Tarlan Lotfizadeh

ویرایش اطلاعات

Tarlan Lotfizadeh


(2013) Group exhibition: fadjr poster festival, hoze honary, tehran
(2013) Group exhibition: figurative, iranian artist forum, tehran
(2013) Group exhibition: monument to poet, shirin art gallery, tehran
(2013) Group exhibition: tiny sculptures, apadana art gallery, isfahan
(2014) Group exhibition: bronze sculptures, naghshe jahan art gallery, tehran
(2014) Group exhibition: "scarlet"photography, apadana art gallery, isfahan
(2014) Group exhibition: "7negah"sculpture, NIavaran Cultural Gallery, tehran
(2015): "family portrait", vali art gallery, tehran
(2015) Group exhibition: "abstract approach", sareban art gallery, tehran

Auctions participated by Tarlan Lotfizadeh

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Art Fairs participated by Tarlan Lotfizadeh

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Artworks of Tarlan Lotfizadeh

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