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Paniz Mahjoubi

Paniz Mahjoubi

Paniz Mahjoubi

Born in 1375, Tehran, Iran


Graphic diploma_ study textile design in university of art


Graphic diploma


My name is paniz mahboubi born in 1375/04/21 in tehran .l have graphic diploma and I study textile design in tehran university of art.I spent my internship in iran khodro factory for seat cover textile. participated in many exhibitions and 6 piano cocerts. And member of tedx organizer team

Group Exhibitions

Virtual lilit exhibition named"me"in tehran 1397
Niavaran caltural exhibition named"today artists" in tehran 1397
Arasbaran caltural exhibition named"today artists"in tehran 1397

Auctions participated by Paniz Mahjoubi

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Art Fairs participated by Paniz Mahjoubi

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Artworks of Paniz Mahjoubi

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