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Maryam Mohabatdoost

Maryam Mohabatdoost

Maryam Mohabatdoost

Born in Tehran, Iran


Born in Tehran Bachelor of Law degree Certificate of Artistic Art Painting from the School of Design, approved by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance

Group Exhibitions

1-A group exhibition on the beautiful path in 2018 at the Yasmine Gallery in Tehran
2-Exhibition of Artworks of Art Third in 2019 at Ehsan Gallery in Tehran
3-Pause group exhibition in 2019 at Shalman Gallery in Tehran
4- 2019-Namira-Shaolman-Tehran-Iran Gravity Gallery
5- 2019-Labyrinth-Variety Exhibition-Gallery Yasmin-Tehran-Iran
6- 2019 - The title of the volcano-exhibition of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Palestine-Tehran-Iran

Auctions participated by Maryam Mohabatdoost

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Art Fairs participated by Maryam Mohabatdoost

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Artworks of Maryam Mohabatdoost

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