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Yalda Eskandari

Born in 1366, Tehran, Iran


Yalda Eskandari (b. 1987, Tehran, Iran) has received her BFA in Graphics from Alzahran University. As a university student, she started focusing on Fine Art photography and gradually became interested in photographic theories and philosophy as well as photography’s relation to other disciplines. Yalda is an interdisciplinary artist who explores the concept of “Place” and its relation to other notions, such as sexuality, geography, and migration. Her artistic process begins with research and does not necessarily end with the medium of photography. In her research-based projects, she makes use of photography, film, sound, installation, etc. Yalda has held two solo shows and has participated in several group shows, namely “Art X Feminism,” held by Nubuke Foundation in Ghana. Eskandari lives and works in Tehran.

Auctions participated by Yalda Eskandari

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Art Fairs participated by Yalda Eskandari

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Artworks of Yalda Eskandari

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