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Tahmineh Monzavi

Tahmineh Monzavi

ویرایش اطلاعات

Tahmineh Monzavi

Born in 1367, Tehran, Iran


She Studied photography in Azad University in Tehran and has been taking photos and making videos ever since. “Past Continuous” is her 3rd solo exhibition at Silk Road Gallery. Her previous collections are Brides of “Mokhber-al-Dowleh” and  “All about me nicknamed crown giver”
Monzavi’s works have received extensive international exposure and have been exhibited in many group as well as solo exhibition in Tehran, Amsterdam, Vienna, Boston, Paris and Rome

Auctions participated by Tahmineh Monzavi

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Art Fairs participated by Tahmineh Monzavi

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Artworks of Tahmineh Monzavi

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LUT Series
2021 | LUT Series
LUT Series
2021 | LUT Series
LUT Series
2021 | LUT Series
LUT Series
2021 | LUT Series
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