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Mahziar Arjmandnia

Mahziar Arjmandnia

Mahziar Arjmandnia

Born in 1373, Tehran, Iran


Bachelor of Architecture - Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz 2013-2017
Master of Architecture - Pars University of Art and Architecture 2017-2019


Experienced New Media Artist with a demonstrated history of working in the architecture & planning industry. Skilled in Computer Animation, Digital Arts, Visual Arts, Mixed Media, Computer Architecture and Grasshopper. Strong arts and design professional with a Master of Architecture - MArch focused in Bionic Architecture from Pars University of Art and Architecture.

Auctions participated by Mahziar Arjmandnia

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Art Fairs participated by Mahziar Arjmandnia

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Artworks of Mahziar Arjmandnia

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