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Hoda Afshar

Born in 1362, Tehran, Iran


Born in Tehran, Hoda Afshar is an artist based in Narrm (Melbourne) who works with photography and the moving image to explore the nature and possibilities of documentary image-making. Through her work, Afshar considers the representation of gender, race and lived experiences of marginal and displaced people.

Agonistes is an installation comprised of a single-channel video and a series of nine portraits. Exploring the experiences of whistleblowers (people who have spoken out), the work combines new and old photographic techniques. Afshar creates images of whistleblowers who have spotlighted misconduct perpetrated in Australian institutions today. Whether whistleblowing on matters to do with the military, intelligence services, immigration detention, youth detention, or aged and disability care, Afshar’s subjects have spoken out for those whose voices were never meant to be heard.

Hoda Ashfar is represented by Milani Gallery, Brisbane.

Auctions participated by Hoda Afshar

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Untitledfrom the Series Speak the Wind
2015–2020 | Untitledfrom the Series Speak the Wind
3,400-3,800 AUD

Art Fairs participated by Hoda Afshar

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Artworks of Hoda Afshar

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Ramsay Art Prize 2021
2021 | Ramsay Art Prize 2021
Ramsay Art Prize 2021
2021 | Ramsay Art Prize 2021
Ramsay Art Prize 2021
2021 | Ramsay Art Prize 2021
Ramsay Art Prize 2021
2021 | Ramsay Art Prize 2021
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