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Kazem Mohammadi

Kazem Mohammadi

Kazem Mohammadi

Born in 1372, Tehran, Iran


Bachelor of Fine Arts Painting


Kazem Mohammadi (born in 1993 in Tehran) is an artist and painter. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in visual arts painting. His first professional experience was attending the 14th exhibition of the New Generation, which was held at Shirin Gallery in collaboration with Homa Gallery, X-Homa, and Hossain. His second experience was attending the Artist Book A group exhibition at Binesh Gallery. His medium in the field of art is painting, which is used with a pen technique, a metal pen, or materials that can create highly delicate lines on paper or cardboard. The concept he focuses on in his paintings includes topics such as everyday life, past and present events, all of which have had an impact on the formation of his worldview.

Auctions participated by Kazem Mohammadi

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Art Fairs participated by Kazem Mohammadi

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Artworks of Kazem Mohammadi

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