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Navid Nami

Born in 1370, Tabriz, Iran


BA & MA Painting


Navid Nami Birth date:1991 Birth place: Tabriz Graduate of Mirak art school in Tabriz/ Major: Graphic design( 2009) Bachelor of painting in Soore University( 2014/Tehran) Master of painting in Soore University( 2018/Tehran) Solo painting exhibition in Blue gallery( 2016/Tehran) Painting biennal" New generation "( 2017/Tehran) Award of student festival " Jakal" in University of Tehran 2017 Writer & set designer of " distorted memories of a lake Art director of "whole to part" short film 2017 Researcher of " Sultan Mohamad, the painter" documentary 2016 Award of the best research for the above mentioned documentary from documentary film festival of Azarbaijan 2018 Writer, director and set designer of " delirium" short film 2018 Nominated for the short " delirium" Crystal Simorgh Fajr International film Festival - Tehran 2018 Nominated for Best Film for "Delirium" at the Bucheon Film Festival in Korea 2018 Nominated for Best Film for Delirium at the Neuchâtel Film Festival in Switzerland 2018 Writer, director of " Central Hospital" short film 2021 Award for the best young painter of Iran in the New Generation Painting Biennial "nasle-no" of Iran 2021

Auctions participated by Navid Nami

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Art Fairs participated by Navid Nami

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Artworks of Navid Nami

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Tree of life
2020 | Tree of life
70×50 cm
Tree of life
2020 | Tree of life
70×50 cm


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