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Anahita Rezaallah

Anahita Rezaallah

Anahita Rezaallah

Born in Iran


Anahita Rezaallah is an Iranian independent curator and architect currently based in Milan, Italy where she works as an Architect and Urban Planner, and teaches at Politecnico di Milano University where she completed both her MSc and PhD in Architecture with a focus on sustainability. Rezaallah researches the possibilities of addressing issues of contemporary cities and transitioning societies through public art and art installations, and is interested in issues of identity, equality, social inclusion, environmental impacts and women’s empowerment.

Exhibitions of Anahita Rezaallah


Exhibitions curated by Anahita Rezaallah


Auctions participated by Anahita Rezaallah

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Art Fairs participated by Anahita Rezaallah

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Artworks of Anahita Rezaallah

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